I saw that the domain name vulcanlanguage.org was available for registration. Rather than let some domain horder snap it up and try to re-sell it at an exorbitant price (like happened with the original VLI domain name vulcanlanguage.com), I bought it myself to hold in stewardship for such time as the VLI needs it, at no cost to the VLI.
In the meantime, here are some additional resources:
Official Vulcan Language Institute:

- The Vulcan Language Institute Official Facebook Page
- PayPal Donation to the Vulcan Language Institute (This is a link directly to the VLI’s PayPal donation page; it is not affiliated with nor does it benefit this website.)
- Archive.Org Copy of the old Vulcan Language Institute website
Local resources:

- A free, downloadable PDF of The Vulcan Language, a book I once created a very long time ago. The book is a reformatted and rearranged version of the material that was once available on the Vulcan Language Institute website circa 2004. This book was at one point available in print at LuLu.com, but was deleted by them for copyright reasons. You may note that I tried to format it as a matching volume to the Franz Joseph Star Fleet Technical Manual. The cover was one of LuLu’s pre-created template cover design options, so I do not know where the image is from.
Original description:
The Vulcans. A logical and peaceful people, a race of vegetarian philosophers.
Centuries ago, in order to ensure they would not destroy themselves from barbarism, they cast out their emotions and embraced the philosophical teachings of Surak.
“Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos, using reason as our guide.”
This book contains a complete introduction to Vulcan culture, language, ritual and tradition. Also included are a Vulcan dictionary and series of language lessons that will teach you this ancient and time honored tongue of wisdom.
Written by Mark R. Gardner of The Vulcan Language Institute.
Book page at Amazon

- An Introduction to the Vulcan Language also has many instructional tools and links
- Project for the Preservation of Vulcan Language and Culture
- Vulcan Language Dictionary
- Vulcan Language Fanlore
- I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly – English to Vulcan Transitional Language Book

The Original Writings of Surak